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Thursday, June 7, 2007

The Finals are Here part 2

So as I said earlier, yeah, we as a city are all really excited, the anticipation level is pretty high and most are pretty confident we will win this 4th title. They did a really good job outside the AT&T Center. This is the NBA's premiere event, even though they let ABC jack them around with the scheduling, so they have to do it up big! I have some additional footage from my journey down to the center but this has better footage from when I first got there. Also down below I have a slide with the photos I took while down there.
2:17 - AT&T Center

If and when the Spurs when their next championship, they will have a river parade. In which the team and all their sponsors and staff will parade through downtown San Antonio on barges. If you saw the videos earlier when Nick visited you saw how nice our river is and how the city works to make it spectacular. Here are my photos from my visit to the center.

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