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Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Obama Wins

Watching & Waiting.......

Waiting as the election results creep in is so frustrating. Right now Sen. Obama is ahead in the polls/electoral count, but it is so frustrating waiting and listening to the live coverage on many of the networks.

Some of the networks have debuted some new and cool technology. I like the MSNBC interactive polls, that the analyst can interact with. But, the CNN hologram technology blew everyone out of the water. That was pretty cool.

Well, I am going to watch a movie and see what the numbers look like once its done. I think I will watch "The American President", I love, love, love that movie.

I can't believe I missed the whole month of October without posting a blog. Then again my computer was down. I got a really bad virus on my computer that would not allow me to even open an Internet Explorer page. Also I was in the hospital for a bit, and the emergency room a few times. Been a crazy, crazy month and a half.