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Saturday, May 19, 2007

Bodies and Slaves

So, Nicholas and I went to go see "Bodies the Exhibition" while I was in Amsterdam (www.bodiestheexhibition.com/intro.html). It was very very interesting. If you get a chance to see it somewhere go see it. You learn a lot about the human body, the way things are put together and how they flow.

Now if you do go see this exhibit, let me let you know right now. THESE ARE REAL PEOPLE, not mannequins, but real people whose bodies were donated for this exhibit.

While we were inside this lady was on here cellphone telling someone where she was. She said 'oh I'm over here with the fake bodies, I should have gone to Madame Tussauds (the wax museum) to see the stars'. I just about gagged, I was like you stupid idiot, these are real people, and you could do to show a little respect. I didn't say that of course but I wanted to.

Well, the place where the exhibit was was in this old, you can say, stock yard kinda place. Its not very well known in the states but The Netherlands were very very involved in the slave trade. As I was told they became one of the richest countries in the world back in the day by there involvement in the slave trade. So to the point, the place where the exhibit was held is one of the places where they used to take the slaves to show them, like at a market for sale.

Now me myself, I am not offended or mad or hurt by what happened to my ancestors. I am not happy about it but I have accepted that it happened and I must move on toward the future. I know there are some people who are still angry and bitter, to you I say you might not want to watch this short clip. I am not making light of the past or that travesty in this clip.


Brandon J. Vance said...

Oh my God, my nephew and I have the same laugh! I just realized that.

ZR Gore said...

but real people whose bodies were donated for this exhibit.

There's actually a whole lot of controversy surrounding the Bodies exhibition. They're of Chinese prisoners, who likely never gave their consent.

But nonetheless, it's a pretty amazing thing.