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Friday, January 28, 2011

Application Complete

So I received all my official transcripts and I finished my application for Texas Woman's University today. I will be attending a TWU transfer day at one of the other north Texas community colleges in the next 7 days to get my application fee waived. Then I will be waiting for an answer.

I feel really good, and I am so excited. I haven't told anyone yet that I finished my application, wanted my blogspot family to be the first to know. I have also started applying for scholarships. Hey, extra money never hurt and seeing as I still have to apply for an extension from the VA to see if they will pay for the rest of my schooling I may need the extra money.

I am also considering applying for a summer program that Harvard Law and NYU School of Law is offering. It is a 5 week summer scholarship program specifically for minorities and people of "modest economic means". The fact that it is in the summer, I'm like heck yeah, because I'm not trying to fool with the Northeast in Winter.

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