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Thursday, July 12, 2007

What am I

I like to listen to radio talk shows and NPR and of course sports talk radio. I hear the opinions of others and reflect on things they say and how it affects me. I hear people like Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh berate and lam bast democrats and liberals, while speaking of nothing but the good of republicans and conservatives. I also hear regular Americans just repeating things that people like those two say, it shocks me that they don't have their own opinion. If you can't listen to a political radio show and use what they say to form your own opinion then you are a drone. A drone waiting to be filled with information to go back around the country and spill forth. I will never be a drone, not a political drone, not a religious drone, and not an activist drone.

So this made me wonder, what exactly am I? I am not going to answer because I don't know, but I will tell you what I believe in and stand for. I AM AN AMERICAN, I love this country and have served this country proudly. I stand by the principles and values of the Constitution of the United States of America, and will fight to protect them.

-I believe in small government. Yet I think the government should protect us and do everything possible to improve the lives of it citizens.

-I believe the separation of church and state must be upheld.

-I don't think we should pass laws based on christian values and beliefs, as I don't think we should pass laws based on Muslim, or Buddhist, or Protestant, or Wiccan values and beliefs.

-I believe the government of the United States has no reason not to recognize gay marriage, if churches or synagogues chose not to perform a ceremony they don't have to, but the government should recognize these unions.

-I BELIEVE MY RELATIONSHIP WITH GOD IS MY BUSINESS, thus if I am gay or straight or whatever, I can live my life how I want.

-I believe that social programs can help people if they want to help themselves.

-I believe no one has the right to tell a woman what to do with her body, but I also don't think abortion should be used as birth control. Its a double edged sword.

-I believe the Attorney General should serve the will of the people and not the will of the President.

-I believe that there should be degrees of sex offenders from A-E and that should determine who has to register for the rest of their lives and who gets a second chance for something stupid like streaking at a football game.

-I believe the President should live by and be guided by and enforce the constitution, not make signing statements stating which laws he/she won't follow.

-I believe politicians should vote based upon whats best for their constituents and not based on back room deals with other politicians.

-I believe we as a people can not and will not kick 10-12 million people who are in this country, many of whom have never committed a crime, out of this country.

-I believe that global warming is taking place and that human beings are a major cause of that. I don't have a solution, but I can plainly see that objectively.

-I believe we should respect the sovereignty of other nations. Our leaders and we Americans must accept that the people of IRAN democratically chose their president.

-I believe the right to vote should be a protected right in the constitution.

So my question is what type of American am I?

If we are all Americans or are striving to be Americans and to reach the American dream, shouldn't we try to bring as many people as we can along with us.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I believe you are a person who has learned how to use HTML links and has gone a little overboard with it.