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Monday, July 2, 2007

Now I am pissed

I really and truly think the George W. Bush, who I no longer refer to as the President, is an ass. Believe it or not most times I don't have a problem with this mans actions it what he says to justify his actions that I have a problem with. As I have said in the past if he had given me a true valid excuse to invade Iraq I would have been all for it. But he never did he changed it 3 times, the reason for going to Iraq, and one of those was after we were in there.

So now George has commuted the sentence of Scooter Libby. Fine, I have no problem with that. I expected it, I actually expected him to pardon him full out. But his reason, at least the reason he said, is the "Holy Grail" of hypocrisy. He felt the sentence was excessive, excessive. Excuse my stupid, idiotic, uninformed, and simple minded nature for not realizing that 30 months for Obstruction of Justice and 2 counts of Perjury was excessive. I was all smiles and fine with the commutation until I heard that part. It freakin stinks, it turns my stomach, and it smacks the legal system in the face to say that 2 1/2 years would have been to much. Mr. Libby likely would not have even served all of that time, but no that was just to much.

Now had he manned up and said I commuted him because I wanted to and becuase I am the president, I would have been fine with that. But he didn't, he actually gave a reason why and the reason if a bunch of bull crap. The sentence was excessive, get the hell out of here. George there are people in jail for the same crimes who were and are less guilty than Scooter who aren't getting a break or a commutation. George you swore you would bring integrity and honesty back to Washington, but you have done nothing of the sort.

If you have read my older posts especially the one on Genarlow Wilson you know where this is coming from.

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