This is a serious writing and it is from me not something I copied. I am not lashing out and I am not trying to preach to anyone. Its just some things I need to get out and this is how I am feeling at this moment. I am a writer and so I write.
I was recently faced with the question of who am I.
Who am I?
Who am I?
I am Brandon Joval Vance. I am a child of God, I am an American, and I love people, and I love life. I am a friendly person, a happy person, and a giving person.
I was raised in family in which we believed that everyone is important and everyone has value. We took homeless people into our house when I was young, we gave to the needy and volunteered our time and money.
I was raised believing and being taught to "Judge Not", because I or you could easily be in someone else's shoes if not for the grace God.
This is the core of who I am, Judge Not. This is why I have such an eclectic group of friends. My friends are black, white, asian, hispanic, and middle eastern because I Judge Not. My friends are young, old, gay, straight, republican, democrat, and independent because I Judge Not. I have friends in China, England, France, Canada, The Netherlands, Mexico, Peru, and all across the United States because I Judge Not.
I could no more cut off my friends, the people who have helped mold me and make me the man that I am, than I could cut off my mom or my brother. My friends have taken me in when I needed shelter, fed me when I was hungry, and have given me guidance and advice when I needed it. And I in turn have done the same. It would be crazy almost unimaginable for me to say no to a friend. If I have, and they need, then I give.
I am in no way, no way, perfect, but I am who I am. Some people take being a happy person or being friendly and see what they want in it. I wake up everyday, everyday, and thank God to be alive. I get up and sing songs to God as I get dressed. When I go to bed at night, I thank God for letting me make it through another day.
Many people wonder "What is the meaning of Life".
From the secular point of view I believe it is to be the best human being you can. To find your happiness and live in it. To learn from your experiences and those of others to be the best human you can.
From the spiritual point of view I believe it is to be the best human being you can, and follow the example of Christ. To praise, trust, and have faith in God. To learn from the experiences of others to be the best human you can.
These are not different, they come from the same place, and should lead you on the same path.
I will continue to do all I can to show each of you that I value, respect, and appreciate you.
Happy New Year.