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Saturday, July 12, 2008

Who is the Flip Flopper

So I found this article on an international website that lists the flip flops or possible flip flops by both McCain and Obama.

It lists 5 things that Senator McCain has shifted on, not that he might but he has shifted on; Immigration, The Christian Right, Interrogation Rules, Guantanamo, and Oil Drilling. Sometimes he changes his opinion in the same day on an issue.

Then it lists Senator Obama's shifts or possible shifts; Campaign Finance, FISA, Gun Control, Iraq, and Free Trade.

Campaign Finance - I wholeheartedly support him pulling out of the "public financing" system and letting the public continue to finance his campaign. An overwhelming number of his supporters agree with this also. Good Shift

FISA - I already stated my opinion on this earlier but I will list as. Bad Shift

Gun Control - I like the Senator support the 2nd Amendment, and like the Senator I think states and towns have the right to enact sound gun laws. I don't think a 15 year old should be able to buy a gun. I don't think an adult should be able to buy 15 guns in one day without a backgrond check. That is supporting the 2nd Amendment with states able to make sound gun laws. This is what he has always said and believes. NO Shift

Iraq - He hasn't changed anything on Iraq, he still said he is going to bring the troops home within 13-16 months. He will be refining his policy, which means getting more input from Generals to help him refine the policy. NO Shift

Free Trade - He hasn't changed his mind, and he hasn't made any major or even minor annocement that he has officially changed position. So what has he flipped on with Free trade? NO Shift

We know for a fact Senator McCain has truly flipped on issues. We know Senator Obama has flipped on FISA, and made a smart decision to decline the only 85 million of "public financing" because he can raise more. But hasn't flipped on anything else.


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