Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Watching & Waiting.......
Waiting as the election results creep in is so frustrating. Right now Sen. Obama is ahead in the polls/electoral count, but it is so frustrating waiting and listening to the live coverage on many of the networks.
Some of the networks have debuted some new and cool technology. I like the MSNBC interactive polls, that the analyst can interact with. But, the CNN hologram technology blew everyone out of the water. That was pretty cool.
Well, I am going to watch a movie and see what the numbers look like once its done. I think I will watch "The American President", I love, love, love that movie.
I can't believe I missed the whole month of October without posting a blog. Then again my computer was down. I got a really bad virus on my computer that would not allow me to even open an Internet Explorer page. Also I was in the hospital for a bit, and the emergency room a few times. Been a crazy, crazy month and a half.
Some of the networks have debuted some new and cool technology. I like the MSNBC interactive polls, that the analyst can interact with. But, the CNN hologram technology blew everyone out of the water. That was pretty cool.
Well, I am going to watch a movie and see what the numbers look like once its done. I think I will watch "The American President", I love, love, love that movie.
I can't believe I missed the whole month of October without posting a blog. Then again my computer was down. I got a really bad virus on my computer that would not allow me to even open an Internet Explorer page. Also I was in the hospital for a bit, and the emergency room a few times. Been a crazy, crazy month and a half.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Its been a while
Man a lot of things have happened since my last post. I have started all these new little crazy projects and things to keep my mind going and active. I will go into detail about them in the next few blogs, but I will give you some hints. The first has something to do with the moon. The second has something to do with providing low cost housing for people in Africa.
Also I have gotten really involved with the choir at my church, Bible Way Community Baptist Church. I had forgotten how much I love going to church and being a part of the choir. I can truly feel the presence of God in the building and it brings me such great peace and I am over flowing with praise. Though I have found a church home and renewed my commitment to God, the devil has been busy.
I was sick and admitted to the hospital for almost a week. I went with abdominal pain and they discovered I had a 102 degree fever, and admitted me. After all the checking and testing it was discovered I had some kind of bacterial infection. I had to stay in that dang hospital for 4 days. I was not a happy camper but I was still friendly and my nurses said I was the easiest patient they have had in a long time.
I have more to say, especially about drama at work, but I will update that in a day or two.
Also I have gotten really involved with the choir at my church, Bible Way Community Baptist Church. I had forgotten how much I love going to church and being a part of the choir. I can truly feel the presence of God in the building and it brings me such great peace and I am over flowing with praise. Though I have found a church home and renewed my commitment to God, the devil has been busy.
I was sick and admitted to the hospital for almost a week. I went with abdominal pain and they discovered I had a 102 degree fever, and admitted me. After all the checking and testing it was discovered I had some kind of bacterial infection. I had to stay in that dang hospital for 4 days. I was not a happy camper but I was still friendly and my nurses said I was the easiest patient they have had in a long time.
I have more to say, especially about drama at work, but I will update that in a day or two.
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Why Obama and not McCain
Its funny to me that someone on a sports forum website got me to realize why I support and will vote for Senator Barack Obama. Here are some of my reasons for voting for Senator Obama and why I can not support Senator McCain.
Mainly because I don't support John McCain. I'm going to tell you why I support Obama also, don't worry.
McCain instills fear in me and I do not trust him. He said it himself, with his own mouth, 'he will say what he has to for his political ambition'. This explains to me why McCain 08 would pander after the evangelical vote by hugging up to Falwell and Hagee after calling them out a few years ago.
He comes off as a warmonger, and is way way to anxious to jump out with military action. And me as a veteran, I do not appreciate his many votes against veterans issues. And yes this is something I follow very closely.
Obama inspires me to believe that our country can be better. Don't turn your nose up yet, because it is important that your leader inspire you. He wants people to stand up and take responsibility for themselves. He wants people, young and old, to volunteer to serve and better the country, kinda like the peace corps in the 60's-70's.
Obama has worked in the ghettos and on the streets to improve the lives of citizens. Our country is 150% headed in the wrong direction and every poll shows Americans overwhelmingly say they same thing. Our standing in the world has likely never been lower, and Obama brings an opportunity to show we can listen as well as lead. His votes and support amongst Republican congressmen and women shows he knows that congress is about compromising and doing whats best for the people. Not just what looks good for the people (i.e. gas tax holiday).
These are some reasons why I will easily vote for Senator Barack Obama! If I have reguritated something from the so called liberal media please point out what it is. These are my own thoughts after doing my own research. And I do watch all 3 news agencies, Fox (fixed), CNN (fair), MSNBC (liberal).
To you I say remember there is a serious difference between political opinion shows (i.e. O'Reiley, Countdown, Hannity & Colmes, Lou Dobbs) and reporting the news.
Obama/Clark '08
Mainly because I don't support John McCain. I'm going to tell you why I support Obama also, don't worry.
McCain instills fear in me and I do not trust him. He said it himself, with his own mouth, 'he will say what he has to for his political ambition'. This explains to me why McCain 08 would pander after the evangelical vote by hugging up to Falwell and Hagee after calling them out a few years ago.
He comes off as a warmonger, and is way way to anxious to jump out with military action. And me as a veteran, I do not appreciate his many votes against veterans issues. And yes this is something I follow very closely.
Obama inspires me to believe that our country can be better. Don't turn your nose up yet, because it is important that your leader inspire you. He wants people to stand up and take responsibility for themselves. He wants people, young and old, to volunteer to serve and better the country, kinda like the peace corps in the 60's-70's.
Obama has worked in the ghettos and on the streets to improve the lives of citizens. Our country is 150% headed in the wrong direction and every poll shows Americans overwhelmingly say they same thing. Our standing in the world has likely never been lower, and Obama brings an opportunity to show we can listen as well as lead. His votes and support amongst Republican congressmen and women shows he knows that congress is about compromising and doing whats best for the people. Not just what looks good for the people (i.e. gas tax holiday).
These are some reasons why I will easily vote for Senator Barack Obama! If I have reguritated something from the so called liberal media please point out what it is. These are my own thoughts after doing my own research. And I do watch all 3 news agencies, Fox (fixed), CNN (fair), MSNBC (liberal).
To you I say remember there is a serious difference between political opinion shows (i.e. O'Reiley, Countdown, Hannity & Colmes, Lou Dobbs) and reporting the news.
Obama/Clark '08
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Donate to Senator Obama
I have decided to add a fundraising campaign to my site for Senator Barack Obama. If you would like to contribute to the fundraising effort go to this link and do what you feel. This isn't about me, its about you my friends and family and the campaign.
Thats why the title is Brandon and Friends for Obama, so check it out.
Any amount will help.
Thats why the title is Brandon and Friends for Obama, so check it out.
Any amount will help.
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Who is the Flip Flopper
So I found this article on an international website that lists the flip flops or possible flip flops by both McCain and Obama.
It lists 5 things that Senator McCain has shifted on, not that he might but he has shifted on; Immigration, The Christian Right, Interrogation Rules, Guantanamo, and Oil Drilling. Sometimes he changes his opinion in the same day on an issue.
Then it lists Senator Obama's shifts or possible shifts; Campaign Finance, FISA, Gun Control, Iraq, and Free Trade.
Campaign Finance - I wholeheartedly support him pulling out of the "public financing" system and letting the public continue to finance his campaign. An overwhelming number of his supporters agree with this also. Good Shift
FISA - I already stated my opinion on this earlier but I will list as. Bad Shift
Gun Control - I like the Senator support the 2nd Amendment, and like the Senator I think states and towns have the right to enact sound gun laws. I don't think a 15 year old should be able to buy a gun. I don't think an adult should be able to buy 15 guns in one day without a backgrond check. That is supporting the 2nd Amendment with states able to make sound gun laws. This is what he has always said and believes. NO Shift
Iraq - He hasn't changed anything on Iraq, he still said he is going to bring the troops home within 13-16 months. He will be refining his policy, which means getting more input from Generals to help him refine the policy. NO Shift
Free Trade - He hasn't changed his mind, and he hasn't made any major or even minor annocement that he has officially changed position. So what has he flipped on with Free trade? NO Shift
We know for a fact Senator McCain has truly flipped on issues. We know Senator Obama has flipped on FISA, and made a smart decision to decline the only 85 million of "public financing" because he can raise more. But hasn't flipped on anything else.
It lists 5 things that Senator McCain has shifted on, not that he might but he has shifted on; Immigration, The Christian Right, Interrogation Rules, Guantanamo, and Oil Drilling. Sometimes he changes his opinion in the same day on an issue.
Then it lists Senator Obama's shifts or possible shifts; Campaign Finance, FISA, Gun Control, Iraq, and Free Trade.
Campaign Finance - I wholeheartedly support him pulling out of the "public financing" system and letting the public continue to finance his campaign. An overwhelming number of his supporters agree with this also. Good Shift
FISA - I already stated my opinion on this earlier but I will list as. Bad Shift
Gun Control - I like the Senator support the 2nd Amendment, and like the Senator I think states and towns have the right to enact sound gun laws. I don't think a 15 year old should be able to buy a gun. I don't think an adult should be able to buy 15 guns in one day without a backgrond check. That is supporting the 2nd Amendment with states able to make sound gun laws. This is what he has always said and believes. NO Shift
Iraq - He hasn't changed anything on Iraq, he still said he is going to bring the troops home within 13-16 months. He will be refining his policy, which means getting more input from Generals to help him refine the policy. NO Shift
Free Trade - He hasn't changed his mind, and he hasn't made any major or even minor annocement that he has officially changed position. So what has he flipped on with Free trade? NO Shift
We know for a fact Senator McCain has truly flipped on issues. We know Senator Obama has flipped on FISA, and made a smart decision to decline the only 85 million of "public financing" because he can raise more. But hasn't flipped on anything else.
Senator Obama votes for FISA
I know many people are upset about this vote, it bothers me. But I realize no candidate is perfect, no candidate is going to agree with 100% or even 90% of what I want.
What amazes me on this issue is that Democrats never figured away to fight this battle in the public, knowing that a large majority of Americans don't support this new legislation.
Remember with the old FISA they could start wiretapping immediately & had to request a warrant within 72 hours. If I remember also, the secret court in its history only ever declined like 4 requests. Until the Bush gang decided they couldn't wait the possible 3 days to get their pretty much rubber stamped warrant, the old FISA was fine.
Here is the main reason why I can let this vote go and focus on everything else Senator Obama stands for. This would have likely been the death kneel for Senator Obama. The RNC and the 527's would have eaten him alive in the media.
Mainly because people listen to what they say, and it would not have been directed at we who already support the Senator but at people who might support him.
But even more because the Republican spin would have drowned out Democratic logic and branded him as not caring to protect America. They would have said he is trying to protect the terrorists, and people would have listened. If and when the Senator is elected POTUS he will have access to all of these requests. He will also be able to push new legislation with a larger Democratic controlled congress to overturn the legislation then.
Sometimes a flip flop is a flip flop at that moment, and sometimes it’s a setup to get what you want later. Patience, patience, patience.
We Democrats have got to be able to use the media better to get our message out.
Obama/Clark '08
What amazes me on this issue is that Democrats never figured away to fight this battle in the public, knowing that a large majority of Americans don't support this new legislation.
Remember with the old FISA they could start wiretapping immediately & had to request a warrant within 72 hours. If I remember also, the secret court in its history only ever declined like 4 requests. Until the Bush gang decided they couldn't wait the possible 3 days to get their pretty much rubber stamped warrant, the old FISA was fine.
Here is the main reason why I can let this vote go and focus on everything else Senator Obama stands for. This would have likely been the death kneel for Senator Obama. The RNC and the 527's would have eaten him alive in the media.
Mainly because people listen to what they say, and it would not have been directed at we who already support the Senator but at people who might support him.
But even more because the Republican spin would have drowned out Democratic logic and branded him as not caring to protect America. They would have said he is trying to protect the terrorists, and people would have listened. If and when the Senator is elected POTUS he will have access to all of these requests. He will also be able to push new legislation with a larger Democratic controlled congress to overturn the legislation then.
Sometimes a flip flop is a flip flop at that moment, and sometimes it’s a setup to get what you want later. Patience, patience, patience.
We Democrats have got to be able to use the media better to get our message out.
Obama/Clark '08
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Senator Obama VP choice
Ok so I have been thinking about this for a good long while. I have looked at possible choices and have made my decision in who I think would be the best choice for Vice President to run with Sen. Obama.
I am going to go out on a limb and state that I think the choice should be and will be retired Army General Wesley Clark who will bring a tremendous amount of military experience to the ticket. This will counter and shut down many of the 'John McCain is a great war hero' conversations.
But on top of what he brings to the ticket is that he would be ready to be president if worse case happens. He has shown that he is not a fight first ask questions later type of leader. He has shown that he believes in diplomacy and has expressed views similar to or in line with Sen. Obama's views on the country. He believes in personal responsibility and shaping a path to a better America in the future.
So for me, my hope is that we as Americans on January 20, 2009 will be celebrating the inauguration of President Barack Obama and Vice President Wesley Clark.
Obama/Clark '08
I am going to go out on a limb and state that I think the choice should be and will be retired Army General Wesley Clark who will bring a tremendous amount of military experience to the ticket. This will counter and shut down many of the 'John McCain is a great war hero' conversations.
But on top of what he brings to the ticket is that he would be ready to be president if worse case happens. He has shown that he is not a fight first ask questions later type of leader. He has shown that he believes in diplomacy and has expressed views similar to or in line with Sen. Obama's views on the country. He believes in personal responsibility and shaping a path to a better America in the future.
So for me, my hope is that we as Americans on January 20, 2009 will be celebrating the inauguration of President Barack Obama and Vice President Wesley Clark.
Obama/Clark '08

Friday, June 20, 2008
Senator Obama is BOLD
I haven't really really finalized my opinion on this but this is what I think so far. I like the look of the new logo, it is appealing to the eye and is very presidential. It is also very bold and almost a little cocky or presumptime. Overall though I guess I like it. Leave me a message and let me know what you think. This is one of the new Obama campaign logos. The latin over the logo literally translates to 'Yes We Can'.

Thursday, June 12, 2008
Fox News is crazy
Seriously, seriously, I don't even have to say what is going on in this clip. You don't have to even really listen to what the ladies are talking about, even though the host brings up rumors that 'she doesn't want to bring up' about Michelle Obama.
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Senator Obama is the Democratic Nominee
Today in our nations long, tested, and tried history we have seen American history. For the first time an African American, Senator Barack Obama, has won the nomination of a major party for President of the United States. Again this is American history in the making and we are alive to witness it. With a multiracial family background, a father from Kenya and mother from Kansas, the junior senator from Illinois has stunned the world.
It is obvious that the country is ready for a serious change in the path that our nation is on. And we as Americans are not asking for a slight change as John McCain would bring, we are looking for a major change. This is the kind of change that Barack Obama has called for and has campaigned for. He has connected with a wide cross section of Americans to include white, black, latino, asian, and native American voters. He has connected with the poor, the rich, educated, uneducated, and the disenfranchised and is truly inspiring Americans to believe again. To believe in the future of our country, to believe in the hopes and dreams of our country. And to believe that anyone, anyone can reach out and become the President of the United States.
Through all the trials, debates and campaigning, through a hard fought campaign with Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton, and in the face of Republican Senator John McCain lying to the American people, he has come out with the nomination.
Now is the time for the Democratic Party to come together and unify behind their nominee. There has been much anger and much frustration coming from Clinton supporters and from Obama supporters. There was the controversy over Florida and Michigan which led to even more animosity and strife. Yet now the focus and goal is to win the White House in November, and for the DNC to win more seats in congress this fall.
It is obvious that the country is ready for a serious change in the path that our nation is on. And we as Americans are not asking for a slight change as John McCain would bring, we are looking for a major change. This is the kind of change that Barack Obama has called for and has campaigned for. He has connected with a wide cross section of Americans to include white, black, latino, asian, and native American voters. He has connected with the poor, the rich, educated, uneducated, and the disenfranchised and is truly inspiring Americans to believe again. To believe in the future of our country, to believe in the hopes and dreams of our country. And to believe that anyone, anyone can reach out and become the President of the United States.
Through all the trials, debates and campaigning, through a hard fought campaign with Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton, and in the face of Republican Senator John McCain lying to the American people, he has come out with the nomination.
Now is the time for the Democratic Party to come together and unify behind their nominee. There has been much anger and much frustration coming from Clinton supporters and from Obama supporters. There was the controversy over Florida and Michigan which led to even more animosity and strife. Yet now the focus and goal is to win the White House in November, and for the DNC to win more seats in congress this fall.
Saturday, May 31, 2008
Rules Committee meeting background
This is my take on the Democratic National Committee meeting of the Rules & Bylaws Committee this morning to determine what will happen with the delegates for Florida and for Michigan. To give the history, some of which I didn’t know until today, this is what got us here.
The DNC in 2006 decided on a schedule for states to hold their primaries and caucuses. The states democratic chairs and committees agreed to those dates and the penalty that if a state went earlier than allowed they would loss at least 50% of their delegates in deciding the nominee. These two states are completely different in what got them to this point.
The state legislature is 2 to 1 Republican controlled, and they were working on legislation to update Florida election process and law. This had unanimous support. The Republican led legislature decided to add an amendment moving the primary up earlier than allowed by the DNC. The state Democrats tried to stop this but could not vote against this legislation. They even submitted an amendment to return the primary to a different day but it was defeated by the Republicans. Ultimately the democrats voted for the legislation to protect voter rights and have a paper trail, but included the earlier primary.
Michigan applied along with 11 other states to have their primary moved up to January as the DNC decided to add two more states to the early vote timeframe, joining Iowa and New Hampshire. The DNC decided on South Carolina and Nevada, and the rest of the schedule was set. After the Florida situation unfolded, the Democratic leadership decided that they were going to move up their date. There wasn’t any trickery or back room dealing; they just decided they were going to do it anyway.
Both of these states made their decisions early in 2007, and the DNC gave them ample time to try to schedule another primary later that would be counted. Neither state was able to make that happen.
In Florida I can see having sympathy for the voters and the Democratic leadership who tried all they could to protect their voters. In Michigan though, the Democratic leadership brought this on themselves and now they demand that all their delegates be counted and for it to be counted exactly as the ballot results show.
The DNC in 2006 decided on a schedule for states to hold their primaries and caucuses. The states democratic chairs and committees agreed to those dates and the penalty that if a state went earlier than allowed they would loss at least 50% of their delegates in deciding the nominee. These two states are completely different in what got them to this point.
The state legislature is 2 to 1 Republican controlled, and they were working on legislation to update Florida election process and law. This had unanimous support. The Republican led legislature decided to add an amendment moving the primary up earlier than allowed by the DNC. The state Democrats tried to stop this but could not vote against this legislation. They even submitted an amendment to return the primary to a different day but it was defeated by the Republicans. Ultimately the democrats voted for the legislation to protect voter rights and have a paper trail, but included the earlier primary.
Michigan applied along with 11 other states to have their primary moved up to January as the DNC decided to add two more states to the early vote timeframe, joining Iowa and New Hampshire. The DNC decided on South Carolina and Nevada, and the rest of the schedule was set. After the Florida situation unfolded, the Democratic leadership decided that they were going to move up their date. There wasn’t any trickery or back room dealing; they just decided they were going to do it anyway.
Both of these states made their decisions early in 2007, and the DNC gave them ample time to try to schedule another primary later that would be counted. Neither state was able to make that happen.
In Florida I can see having sympathy for the voters and the Democratic leadership who tried all they could to protect their voters. In Michigan though, the Democratic leadership brought this on themselves and now they demand that all their delegates be counted and for it to be counted exactly as the ballot results show.
Saturday, March 15, 2008
Video Blog to Senator Obama
Well boy oh boy, do we have a controversy in the primary, and this one is a big one. After hearing the comments and cuts from sermons by Pastor Jeremiah Wright I could not keep quiet. This is my first video blog and I did it in one take. I actually tried 3 times to improve on it and none of those were as good as the original. So here it is my video blog to the senator, please let me know what you think.
Untitled from Brandon J. Vance on Vimeo.
Untitled from Brandon J. Vance on Vimeo.
Thursday, March 6, 2008
Visit with my family
Oh man, so I went back home to Louisiana recently to visit with my family. I went to Lafayette to see my niece Requila (Dez) and her mom Tammy, and Sean, and Zach, and Bryan. And of course to see little Morgan Elizabeth. It was such a great trip and I was just amazed to see how much they have all grown and changed. The last time I layed eyes on Dez she was little and Sean was just a little younger than her, and Zach was a toddler. They have all grown up into fine young adults and Tammy is to thank for that. She has been a great mother to her kids and they all love her without question, as kids should love their parents. Bryan is a great guy and though a tad bit quite he was really cool while I visited.
Thats the thing that to me was most awesome. I was a little worried it would be awkward visiting, but it wasn’t, I felt right at home and welcome. Zach and Bryan had me laughing the whole weekend and me and Tammy caught up on so many things. Dez and I talked and hugged and I was just blown away that my little niece is now a full grown woman. And she is in college and doing well. As a matter of fact right after she had Morgan she was right back in school, she didn’t want to miss to many days.
To Morgan Elizabeth, wow, wow, that little girl is amazing. So beautiful and so sweet and so precious. I just don’t really know how to express what it meant to me to be there to see her and hold her. Yep, I’m in love with her already, she is just the most precious thing ever.
If you haven’t yet, check out below and you will see some of the pics from the trip. Sean was off doing his own thing most of the weekend so I didn’t get any pics of him.
Love you guys,
Thats the thing that to me was most awesome. I was a little worried it would be awkward visiting, but it wasn’t, I felt right at home and welcome. Zach and Bryan had me laughing the whole weekend and me and Tammy caught up on so many things. Dez and I talked and hugged and I was just blown away that my little niece is now a full grown woman. And she is in college and doing well. As a matter of fact right after she had Morgan she was right back in school, she didn’t want to miss to many days.
To Morgan Elizabeth, wow, wow, that little girl is amazing. So beautiful and so sweet and so precious. I just don’t really know how to express what it meant to me to be there to see her and hold her. Yep, I’m in love with her already, she is just the most precious thing ever.
If you haven’t yet, check out below and you will see some of the pics from the trip. Sean was off doing his own thing most of the weekend so I didn’t get any pics of him.
Love you guys,
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
The Primary Aftermath
Holy crap, holy crap, holy crap, wow yesterday was amazing, I mean utterly amazing. So here is the recap, so I left work early to go vote in the primary. I am in district 3004 and had to vote at Health Careers High School. While I was in line waiting to vote , I would say there were about 20-25 democrats to the 3-5 republicans I saw the whole time. I was surprised but I guess that is in line with what has been happening across the nation.
So I did my voting, I also voted on the local and state issues on the ballot. They gave me a little ticket to come back at 7:15 pm to participate in the caucus, it was like a coupon saying you voted earlier. It was about 5:30 pm when I finished there. So then I found out that Senator Obama was in San Antonio and would be holding a rally downtown at about 9 pm. After speaking to G'nita, who is also a big time Obama fan and supporter she was able to get me a ticket.
So, 7:15 pm I am back for the caucus and to say it was disorderly would be appropriate, they did do a good job of separating us into the right groups, but we were just waiting and waiting and waiting because people were still in line to vote. So I asked one of the leaders about the process, trying to see if I could just sign and leave. Why did he have to tell me that we would be voting people for district delegates to head to Austin later in March to select delegates to the DNC convention. So I had to stay now, and low and behold I was selected as a delegate. As a matter of fact I almost won the delegate chair person after being nominated by another delegate out of the blue. But alas I lost to a Hillary supporter who gave a good speech.
So it is now like 10 pm and I am flying downtown to get to the rally. Since the results were slow to come in Senator Obama waited to take the stage. Once I get to the pavilion where they are wanding people, I can here him speaking. My anticipation level was through the roof. Still waiting in line, he finished his speech, and they stopped letting people through. I was pretty disheartened at that moment. I just figured I would wait for G'nita and Toni to come out.
So I'm just standing around and this late asks if I mind being interviewed, I said of course not, but who are you, was my response. She said she was with Radio France, now I think I lit up like a Christmas tree and I gave the best radio interview I could and signed off in French. Having my blood pumping after that, I was then approached by Japan TV for an interview on camera. I again spoke with great calm and said what I had to say about the loss and about Senator Obama.
So all in all it was a rather good night in the end, I got to vote, I got to caucus, I was selected a district delegate, and was interviewed by Radio France, and Japan TV. Man I love this primary season.
So I did my voting, I also voted on the local and state issues on the ballot. They gave me a little ticket to come back at 7:15 pm to participate in the caucus, it was like a coupon saying you voted earlier. It was about 5:30 pm when I finished there. So then I found out that Senator Obama was in San Antonio and would be holding a rally downtown at about 9 pm. After speaking to G'nita, who is also a big time Obama fan and supporter she was able to get me a ticket.
So, 7:15 pm I am back for the caucus and to say it was disorderly would be appropriate, they did do a good job of separating us into the right groups, but we were just waiting and waiting and waiting because people were still in line to vote. So I asked one of the leaders about the process, trying to see if I could just sign and leave. Why did he have to tell me that we would be voting people for district delegates to head to Austin later in March to select delegates to the DNC convention. So I had to stay now, and low and behold I was selected as a delegate. As a matter of fact I almost won the delegate chair person after being nominated by another delegate out of the blue. But alas I lost to a Hillary supporter who gave a good speech.
So it is now like 10 pm and I am flying downtown to get to the rally. Since the results were slow to come in Senator Obama waited to take the stage. Once I get to the pavilion where they are wanding people, I can here him speaking. My anticipation level was through the roof. Still waiting in line, he finished his speech, and they stopped letting people through. I was pretty disheartened at that moment. I just figured I would wait for G'nita and Toni to come out.
So I'm just standing around and this late asks if I mind being interviewed, I said of course not, but who are you, was my response. She said she was with Radio France, now I think I lit up like a Christmas tree and I gave the best radio interview I could and signed off in French. Having my blood pumping after that, I was then approached by Japan TV for an interview on camera. I again spoke with great calm and said what I had to say about the loss and about Senator Obama.
So all in all it was a rather good night in the end, I got to vote, I got to caucus, I was selected a district delegate, and was interviewed by Radio France, and Japan TV. Man I love this primary season.
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Texas Primary Day
So the day has come for Texas to have its say in this great primary season. Just to go on record, I am absolutely in love with this primary season. It is so refreshing to see every state have a say and make a difference, not just a handful of early states. I have been waiting to vote and my visit home this past weekend only makes it that much more exciting. I will be telling all about that visit in an upcoming blog.
So today I will be participating in the Texas two step. I can't really tell you why TX has both a primary and a caucus, I think just to be different, but I will be participating in both. Yep that means missing some work, but you gotta do what you gotta do. Ohio, Vermont, and Rhode Island also vote today so we shall see what happens.
So today I will be participating in the Texas two step. I can't really tell you why TX has both a primary and a caucus, I think just to be different, but I will be participating in both. Yep that means missing some work, but you gotta do what you gotta do. Ohio, Vermont, and Rhode Island also vote today so we shall see what happens.
Saturday, February 16, 2008
Yes We Can
If you haven't yet seen the video produced by Will.I.Am of the Black Eyed Peas here is the video. I know I am a little late in posting this but here you go. Just a reminder this is based on his concession speech from New Hampshire. This speech was by far the best of the primary season and dwarfed Senator Clinton's acceptance speech.
Friday, January 4, 2008
Barack wins Iowa
Barack Obama has won the Iowa Democratic caucus which is the first major test on the road to the Democratic parties’ nomination. This is seen as a blow to the campaign of Senator Hillary Clinton, but it is only one states race. The next big test comes on Tuesday January 8, 2008 when New Hampshire holds the first in the nation primary. Sen. Clinton came in third place so it is considered crucial that she have a good showing in New Hampshire, but as of today she and Sen. Obama are tied in the polls. He has made up ground in several key elements including whether people think he is elect able.
On the other side of the political spectrum former Governor Mike Huckabee won the Republican caucuses with a rather strong showing. I actually like Huckabee and rooted for him. One thing that I am fascinated by is how much the media is playing up that evangelical Christians came out in droves to support Huckabee and capture this win. Why I am fascinated by it though is that it seems the media thinks that evangelicals only support republicans. From what I have read and seen of Sen. Obama he is a deeply religious man as well, it’s just not played up as much. I am not going to go on my usual rant about evangelicals; I don’t want to make the few people who do read my blog mad. I guess we will all wait to see what happens on next Tuesday.
Here is the victory speech, very, very inspirational.
(13 min long)
On the other side of the political spectrum former Governor Mike Huckabee won the Republican caucuses with a rather strong showing. I actually like Huckabee and rooted for him. One thing that I am fascinated by is how much the media is playing up that evangelical Christians came out in droves to support Huckabee and capture this win. Why I am fascinated by it though is that it seems the media thinks that evangelicals only support republicans. From what I have read and seen of Sen. Obama he is a deeply religious man as well, it’s just not played up as much. I am not going to go on my usual rant about evangelicals; I don’t want to make the few people who do read my blog mad. I guess we will all wait to see what happens on next Tuesday.
Here is the victory speech, very, very inspirational.
(13 min long)
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