My cousin Keshawn married the man of her dreams Amir Shakir ( at an amazing ceremony in New Orleans. It was a great ceremony and at this really nice place Southern Oaks Plantation ( here is a picture:
It is a very nice place and they did a great job with everything. The reception was were the most fun was had. Now in New Orleans we really really really, have a good time at wedding receptions especially one as nice as this one. So of course the DJ was playing great music and there was alcohol flowing. Then the DJ played a few of our jams and that was it, it got wild and crazy and a whole lot of fun. Check out the videos.
Now most of the people in this video are my immediate family, my mom, aunts, uncle, and cousins. My brother is standing to the side and drinkin his drink, he doesn't dance.
2:00 - Family
Now this video is at the very end, they are playing what should be the "National song of New Orleans" and everyone is going crazy. They are cheering my cousin Keddie on and then everyone starts cheering Amir. Then Amir's dad jumps in and wow is all I can say. I believe the lady at the end is Amir's mom.
2:10 - Wedding Party
Yes we had a blast.
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