So after breakfast we went downtown to see San Antonio. I drove around a bit and showed some of SA. Since Europe is very old and historic, Nick was curious about the history and the historical sites of San Antonio. Unfortunately living out in the NW side of town there are no real historic relics out here, it was all grass and forest. But downtown we have flair! We then went to Rivercenter mall and the Riverwalk! Whoo hooo, I love our riverwalk. We walked more of the freakin riverwalk than I have walked total since I have been in San Antonio. I showed him the Alamo, which I think he really liked and we walked the grounds a bit. Checkout a couple of videos from the afternoon:
We walked a lot and after leaving the mall area we walked over to Hemishpere park. That is when we really sat down and took a breather. We then headed back to the mall area where we parked by cutting through the Convention Center. That place is awesome and how the river flows through the open part is awesome. Then we just headed back, rather tired I might add.
You would think that would be enough for Thursday, oh but no, oh but no ba boo. We still had one more place to go to that evening and that was Chacho's. My usual Thursday night spot. We drank margaritas and I sang at Karaoke as well as some of my friends. My friends were there as well, Fabiola, Raquel, Will, Tall Chris (I know its Jones), Jason, Rey, Sean with his skinny ass, and Jake and Taryn were there as well. But mama Gnita and Toni were away playing in GA, just kidding they were out of town. I had a really really good time as I always do and so did Nick. He enjoyed meeting my friends and he and Fabiola hit it off well.
Finally after that long long day, we headed back to the apartment after 12 at night and crashed again.
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