Today in our nations long, tested, and tried history we have seen American history. For the first time an African American, Senator Barack Obama, has won the nomination of a major party for President of the United States. Again this is American history in the making and we are alive to witness it. With a multiracial family background, a father from Kenya and mother from Kansas, the junior senator from Illinois has stunned the world.
It is obvious that the country is ready for a serious change in the path that our nation is on. And we as Americans are not asking for a slight change as John McCain would bring, we are looking for a major change. This is the kind of change that Barack Obama has called for and has campaigned for. He has connected with a wide cross section of Americans to include white, black, latino, asian, and native American voters. He has connected with the poor, the rich, educated, uneducated, and the disenfranchised and is truly inspiring Americans to believe again. To believe in the future of our country, to believe in the hopes and dreams of our country. And to believe that anyone, anyone can reach out and become the President of the United States.
Through all the trials, debates and campaigning, through a hard fought campaign with Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton, and in the face of Republican Senator John McCain lying to the American people, he has come out with the nomination.
Now is the time for the Democratic Party to come together and unify behind their nominee. There has been much anger and much frustration coming from Clinton supporters and from Obama supporters. There was the controversy over Florida and Michigan which led to even more animosity and strife. Yet now the focus and goal is to win the White House in November, and for the DNC to win more seats in congress this fall.